[LOCARNO PACT - rough material] [Allocated]

Muu nimi/muut nimet: [LOCARNO PACT - rough material] [Allocated]
Vuosi: 1925
Kesto: 17 mins
Kuvaus: (Reel 1) The film comes from two cameras. For the exterior scenes of delegates arriving at the Foreign Office the first camera is positioned low on the steps beside which the official cars stop. Few of the delegates turn to or acknowledge the camera, which mainly records the reactions of a reporter noting the arrivals. Count Skrzynski, head of the Polish delegation, enters on foot. Lord Balfour arrives, also on foot. The chief Belgian delegate, M Vandervelde (with imperiale and pince-nez) stops to acknowledge the camera. The German delegation led by Doktor Luther and Herr Stresemann arrives next. After the ceremony Sir Austen Chamberlain emerges along with his cousin Neville. Aristide Briand also emerges with the French delegation. Inside the chamber the delegates take their seats. The British are at the head of the table, with the Italians led by Signor Scialoja on their left (from the camera's viewpoint). Next, going round the table, are the Germans, then the Belgians, then the Poles, then the Czechs led by Dr Benes, then finally the French. Chamberlain chairs the meeting with Stanley Baldwin, Sir Cecil Hurst and some cabinet ministers sitting as observers behind him. The signing ceremony takes place, and after some speeches all disperse. (Reel 2) A second view of the Gold Room. Then the second camera's view of the arrivals, showing rather more detail as they come up the steps. Count Skrzynski is first with his delegation. Lord Balfour arrives with Mrs Baldwin and Lady Chamberlain. The Prince of Wales arrives. Luther and the German delegation arrive. Briand and the French arrive. (Winston Churchill, an observer, is also briefly seen.) Then again all leave the building. Another view of the speeches going on in the Gold Room itself.
Unedited material on the final signing of the Locarno treaties in the Gold Room at the Foreign Office, London, 1st December 1925.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / Chamberlain, Joseph Austen / Chamberlain, Anne Vere / Chamberlain, Neville / Balfour, Arthur James / Baldwin, Stanley / Baldwin, Lucy / Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer / Luther, Hans / Stresemann, Gustav / Vandervelde, Emile / Briand, Aristide / Skrzynski, Alexander (Count) / Benes, Edvard / Scialoja (Senator) / politics, British - institutional / internationalism, governmental, British / delegations, British international - state / delegations, Italian international - political / delegations, German international - political / delegations, Belgian international - political / delegations, Polish international - political / delegations, Czechoslovak international - political / delegations, French international - political / ceremonies, British - state: treaty signing (Locarno Pact, 1925) / journalism and record, British - cameraman / Locarno Pact, Signing of & 1/12/1925 / GB, England & London, SW
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Gaumont
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound